Everyday foods that can cause harm to the brain. Number 7 will shock you.

Fried rice with grilled chicken

Activities and performance of the entire body is dependent totally on the brain. Food as we all know is what we eat to keep us in existence. The body gets all the necessary nutrients needed to function properly from foods that we eat. More so, some foods when overly eaten, can cause much more harm than good for the body. Most often people eat food without really taking into consideration the effect it has on them, but only to satisfy hunger and taste. Let's take a look at some foods that can potentially harm the brain.

1. Sugary drinks including soda

Sweetened drinks

Soda, energy drinks and other sugary drinks have absolutely less nutritional merits. These drinks take part in weight gain and are potential contributors to the development of dementia and Alzeheimer's disease (a progressive disorder that causes brain cells to degenerate and die). Also, taking in sugars on the high can reduce memory and mental processes that allow us to carry out any task. They can build insulin resistance in the brain, and prevent brain neurons from developing. All these contribute to brain fog.

2. Fish with high mercury levels

Red fish in a tray

Eating fish generally is not a bad thing, it is actually no big deal. But studies have shown that tuna, swordfish, and shark are fishes that contain high amounts of mercury which is very harmful to human health. This can heap up, and cause damage to your brain when taken in, in large quantities. According to research conducted by researchers from the University of South Florida, it was discovered that people with high levels of mercury in their bloodstream portrayed a five percent decrease in mental processes that allow the body to carry out any task.

3. Trans fats
Theses fats are found in process foods like cakes, cookies, muffins, and etc. They are used by manufacturers to extend the shelf life of their food products.Taking in high amounts of foods containing trans fats may cause a heap up of plaque in your brain, which increases your risk of disorders like Akzheimer's.

4. Refined carbs
Served pasta

Pasta, white bread, and sugar are few examples of carbohydrates you should for a better brain performance. They have high hypoglycemic index (GI) which means they are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream leading to a spike in sugar and insulin levels. This could cause brain impairment. According to a study based on elderly people, it was found that those who had taking in more percentage of calories from carbs were twice at the risk of mental impairment and dementia.

5. Highly processed foods

Pasta ready to be served

These foods are easily and mostly readily available. They contain high amount of calories and are low in nutritional content as well. Fries, Instant noodles, bottled sauces and instant soups are all part of processed foods. They are high in salt, fats, and sugar. Highly processed foods contribute to weight gain and can cause fat to build up around your brain which can cause brain damage and degeneration of brain cells.

6. Alcohol
Chilled beer

Drinking alcohol long periods have endless and enormous adverse effects on the body. It does not only cause harm to the liver as many may know, but the brain as well. Taking in alcohol on regular basis can cause disruption of the chemicals (neurotransmitters) used by the brain for the purpose of communication. Deficiency in Vitamin B1 which can be caused by alcohol addiction, and this can increase the risks of brain disorders.

7. Red meat

Read meat on a grill

It's good to take some red meat, but not too much of it. Red meat contains iron which is good for the body, when taken in on normal day, but too much of it might cause oxidative damage and this can lead to damage in the brain, and cell deterioration. A correlation between people who ate foods high in red meat and increased instances of Alzheimer's disease was shown according to studies. Eating foods that are more plant based is advisable.

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