Health Benefits Of Having Regular Sex

Love making has recently been one of the things that is mostly talked about in our societies. There have been lots of TV channels and radio stations who have special programs where making love is discussed. If you thought that pleasure and making babies are the only benefits of making love, here is some news you. According to research, making love does not only help you to sleep well, there are other healthy benefits from it.

Blood circulation.

Cells and organs in the body receive the supply of fresh blood, because, your heart rate increases when you have make love. Whiles removal of used blood happens, toxins and other tiredness causing materials are removed by the body.

Increase levels of oestrogen and testosterone.

In men, the hormone testosterone is what makes them more passionate within the sack. Not only will it cause you to feel way better in bed, but it also improves your muscles and bones, keeps your heart healthy and keeps a check on your cholesterol. In women on the opposite hand, the hormone oestrogen protects them against heart condition and also determines a woman’s body scent.

Relieve pain.
No honey, not tonight, I have headache. This is a statement that usually kills emotions in the bedroom. According to research, through sexual arousal and orgasm a hormone called oxytocin is secreted in the body which releases endorphin in turn, helping in pain management. This spontaneous process causes making love to act as a powerful analgesic.

Burn calories.

Making love counts as exercise too. Yes! It is. This can be compared to other physical activities such as dancing and walking. According to studies, dancing helps to burn 129 calories per half an hour and walking also helps to burn 153 calories per half-hour whiles making love can help you burn 75 to 150 calories pee half an hour.

Helps to control depression.
Just the other sort of exercise, making love also prompts the brain to release feel-good chemicals, which increases the amount of happy hormones. These chemicals also help increase the levels of serotonin, which acts as a neurotransmitter and is one of the key antidepressant chemicals of the body. This, in turn, helps reduce the probabilities of getting depression.


Making love helps to lower blood pressure, depression and pain, this should not make it a surprise that having a regular love making may help you live longer. Men who have orgasm more than once a week have a 50% chance of lower mortality than those who have orgasm once a month, according to research.

Reduce chances of heart attacks.

Oxytocin levels become higher when you make love and it lower reactions to stress, this translates into lower risks of getting a heart attack.

Reduces the risk of toxemia.

Toxemia is a serious complication that occurs during pregnancy which causes nausea, swollen legs and arms, headaches, and seizures. Exposure to semen and sexual intercourse can reduce the risk of developing toxemia. HLG-A is a protein found in semen, and it can regulate women's immune system and lower possibility of experiencing these complications.

The bring away point about the health benefits of love making is to be safe, have fun, and know that it is good for your health throughout your life.

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